STOP GETTING SCAMMED by my competitors for thousands of dollars! GET EDUCATED CORRECTLY!
Veterans, talk to me first before you do this and have the VA pay for this scam!
You can look this up for yourself and come to the same conclusion that I am going to save you hundreds of dollars and we can still do this the right way. Stop getting the used car sales pitch! Get the truth! There is no such thing as a registered service dog! It does not exist! Dog training companies are leading you to believe that if you give them thousands of dollars for their numerous courses and ongoing dog training over the next 6 months, your dog will become a registered certified service dog. NOT TRUE! What is TRUE? Your dog can become a service dog through a dog training facility like mine with a certificate and a log book of so many hours of training (Usually about 120 hours of public interaction or more along with obedience training) but there is no place in America to register your dog like a handgun, or a DMV license, or an office located at your state capitol, etc.
Don't let them fool you into giving them thousands of dollars. My company is called Loyal K-9 for a reason. I am Loyal to my customers/clients and tired of the competitors taking money from people who either have a real disability like myself (military-related PTSD) or they overprice the training and take advantage of disabled people desperate to get their dog(s) registered. All they do is take your money and order your service vest on a website from overseas that offers a vest and a cute picture-type license (upper left corner) with your dog's face on it and charge you double the price. I can do that on my own printer. You know they will pad the bill if the Veterans Administration or an insurance company is going to pay for your training. This is WRONG, rude, dishonest, and deceitful. Get the truth and get the facts before you give somebody your hard-earned money or savings. The competitors love to prey and take advantage of people that have a severe emotional connection to their dog and are willing to pay to take it everywhere they go. That's NOT OK! What is OK is trusting somebody to help you do it the right way for less money and have the facts and the truth and to be prepared and armed with the right information while out in public with your service dog.
Here is what the US Dept. of Justice revised the definition as of 5/2011 says about the definition under the ADA (Americas with Disability Act).
"Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA."
The legal question to ask yourself before signing up for training- If you sign up your dog with a competitor or a scammer under the assumption they will train your dog to be a service dog and take it into public places for approximately 120 hours at a rate of $50-$100 per hour. How are they getting your non-service dog into a public building, a movie theater, Home Depot or Wal-Mart if your dog is NOT a service dog yet? Somebody has to be lying to the businesses telling them the dog is a service dog in order to log those hours OR prematurely putting a "fake" service dog vest on your dog. If they allegedly took your dog(s) to the movie theater and the ticket taker asks if your dog is a service dog, how does the trainer respond? With a lie? What if your dog bit somebody in the movie theater after the lie? Who is responsible? The owner of the animal or the company? Who will pay for the police citation or civil lawsuit?
There is a simpler, easier way and financially better way to save money and you will have the facts, the truth and the proper certificates that you need to get where you need to be for a service dog. I can save you thousands of dollars for all veterans and civilians. Please stop getting scammed and lied to. Watch out for the competitors that are in it just for the money and not customer service, ask the questions, get educated, get the facts and do it right if you are considering this for your animal. Don't be these people in the below video. Thank you.
Veterans, talk to me first before you do this and have the VA pay for this scam!
You can look this up for yourself and come to the same conclusion that I am going to save you hundreds of dollars and we can still do this the right way. Stop getting the used car sales pitch! Get the truth! There is no such thing as a registered service dog! It does not exist! Dog training companies are leading you to believe that if you give them thousands of dollars for their numerous courses and ongoing dog training over the next 6 months, your dog will become a registered certified service dog. NOT TRUE! What is TRUE? Your dog can become a service dog through a dog training facility like mine with a certificate and a log book of so many hours of training (Usually about 120 hours of public interaction or more along with obedience training) but there is no place in America to register your dog like a handgun, or a DMV license, or an office located at your state capitol, etc.
Don't let them fool you into giving them thousands of dollars. My company is called Loyal K-9 for a reason. I am Loyal to my customers/clients and tired of the competitors taking money from people who either have a real disability like myself (military-related PTSD) or they overprice the training and take advantage of disabled people desperate to get their dog(s) registered. All they do is take your money and order your service vest on a website from overseas that offers a vest and a cute picture-type license (upper left corner) with your dog's face on it and charge you double the price. I can do that on my own printer. You know they will pad the bill if the Veterans Administration or an insurance company is going to pay for your training. This is WRONG, rude, dishonest, and deceitful. Get the truth and get the facts before you give somebody your hard-earned money or savings. The competitors love to prey and take advantage of people that have a severe emotional connection to their dog and are willing to pay to take it everywhere they go. That's NOT OK! What is OK is trusting somebody to help you do it the right way for less money and have the facts and the truth and to be prepared and armed with the right information while out in public with your service dog.
Here is what the US Dept. of Justice revised the definition as of 5/2011 says about the definition under the ADA (Americas with Disability Act).
"Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA."
The legal question to ask yourself before signing up for training- If you sign up your dog with a competitor or a scammer under the assumption they will train your dog to be a service dog and take it into public places for approximately 120 hours at a rate of $50-$100 per hour. How are they getting your non-service dog into a public building, a movie theater, Home Depot or Wal-Mart if your dog is NOT a service dog yet? Somebody has to be lying to the businesses telling them the dog is a service dog in order to log those hours OR prematurely putting a "fake" service dog vest on your dog. If they allegedly took your dog(s) to the movie theater and the ticket taker asks if your dog is a service dog, how does the trainer respond? With a lie? What if your dog bit somebody in the movie theater after the lie? Who is responsible? The owner of the animal or the company? Who will pay for the police citation or civil lawsuit?
There is a simpler, easier way and financially better way to save money and you will have the facts, the truth and the proper certificates that you need to get where you need to be for a service dog. I can save you thousands of dollars for all veterans and civilians. Please stop getting scammed and lied to. Watch out for the competitors that are in it just for the money and not customer service, ask the questions, get educated, get the facts and do it right if you are considering this for your animal. Don't be these people in the below video. Thank you.